Sunday, April 9, 2017

SMSes during the loving times with Peter Wittendorp

Some SMSes from 2 years ago when we were still great and loved each other. 31st March 2015 was our meet up in HK. We flew in separately, he from SG and me from KL and we met up in the airport as our arrival time was about 20mins apart from each other.

We stayed in Pottinger Hotel in Central. I'm not going to write a long post (maybe I will separately in another post). Instead I will let the SMSes tell our story, from the good and loving times to the fallout and accusation. If I didn't listen to him and delete most of the SMSes, Whatsapp and emails, there would be more to post. If not there would be thousands of it.

Finally I feel great for being able to come out and share the truth and back up what I had wrote about him in the pasts. This is how I closed the chapter of him in my life. I know is not how people would close the chapter, but everyone is different.

P.S. Chat sequence is random as I screenshots it at different timing.

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