Sunday, August 28, 2016

Voor 1 persoon ter lezen

Heb ik kruiste je geest of u kiest voor dat ik niet bestond? Ik denk dat der ervoor kiest om me te vergeten. Ik kan begrijpen waarom, want in je geest ik u onrecht aangedaan. Ja, ik was onrecht aangedaan openlijk over ons te schrijven en uw identiteit verklaard, maar je me pijn zo slecht totdat ik de pijn kon gevoeld in mijn hart. Ik lieg niet of overdrijven. Mijn hersenen kon niet algeheel hoe je zo wreed, beteken, hard en koud voor mij zou kunnen zijn. In die tijdallee wat ik kon bedenken was om u zo veel als je me pijn kwetsen.
Daarnaast was ik super gekwetst door uw zinloze en ongefundeerde beschuldiging. Ik kon het niet geloven zou je denken van mij als een slecht persoon! Ben ik echt zo iemand in je geest en ogen? Wat moet ik halen uit hek publiceren van onze privΓ©berichten? NIKS!!!
Tot op heden heb ik kon nog steeds niet begrijpen hoe je me kon beschuldigd van het plegen van zo'n lelijke en kwaadaardige daad. Ik was kwetsen zo diep dat alles wat ik wilde doen was om je de beschuldiging je hoofd geslingerd me spijt. En ik deed het de enige manier waarop ik weet hoe.......dat was openlijk over ons te schrijven. Ik wilde ook om te laten zien heb ik geen angst en ik niet nodig om iets te anoniem doen.
Maar goed, ik weet dat je me nu haten. En ik weet dat je me nooit vergeven voor het schrijven over ons in mijn blog. Ik weet ook dat je me zult vergeten 1 dag. Of misschien heb je al. Misschien heb je een hekel aan me zo diep dat je mijn hele bestaan in je geest en onze verbinding hebben gewist.
Hert doet er nier meer toe omdat beide van ons nooit in staat zal zijn om ongedaan te maken wat we hebben gedaan met elkaar en we zullen niet in staat zijn om opnieuw te kijken naar elkaar in hetzelfde licht.
Ik ben triest dat we moesten manier deelnemen aan zo'n lelijke manier. Ik wou dat we konden het differently had behandeld. Maar goed, ik leerde een les uit deze ervaring met u. Nooit vertrouwen woorden en niet verwachten dat iedereen hetzelfde hart hebben als me. Ek nooit iemand vertrouwen blindelings vond ik deed met jou.
Aan het einde van de dag dat je alleen de zorg over jezelf en het opslaan van je kont op mijn kosten. Je me teleurgesteld en brak mijn hart aan stukken. En je hebt niet eens het gevoel slecht of berouw voor de manier waarop je me behandeld. Je beloofd je zou me nooit pijn doen, maar je did! 
Ik ben een mens net als jij dus wat je gaf het recht om te spelen met mijn gevoelens. Je bent een egoΓ―stisch man! Tot hei einde je nog wilde mij gebruiken. U heeft niet schelen als ik was emotioneel ok. Je maakte me het gevoel dat de wereld grootste idioot voor je te houden van u!! 
Anyway, ik haat u niet en ik heb u ook vergeven. Maar ik heb nog steeds moment dat ik nog steeds het gevoel alsof uitgehaald naar je openlijk. Je bent me een oprechte verontschuldiging, maar ik weet dat je nooit zal verontschuldigen voor mij.
Waarom heb je moest behandelen me de manier waarop je deed? Waarom hebt u zich gedragen als een lul? Je was een eikel en een lul! Periode! Stoppen me het dragen van een masker.
Tot slot, ik weet niet waarom ik dit bericht schreef. Maar ik ben heel zeker dat je zal lezen. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

24.8.16 - 3rd wave in business

The start of a new adventure and chapter in my career. The new company name has been approved. Finally, after a long wait. Things are definitely moving now. The new office space is also confirmed. Name cards and letterhead are in the midst of being design. So looking forward to creating and achieving another milestone in my business venture. This round will be a 3rd wave for me hence the goals I'm chasing is 5x more than the last goal I set and achieved in 2012.
So what's the goal I have set for myself? RM10mil nett income in 2 years! When I told people my goal, their 1st statement was, "wow", then followed by "can I work for you?" or "how are you going to do that", "how much sales do you have to sell?"
Although no one had said to me my goal is crazy or impossible, but I could tell from their questions that they thought I'm talking big and acting crazy. Hahaha. Don't blame them for having such thoughts about me and my goal. To 80% of population, earning RM10mil in 2 years is a gigantic and impossible task and goal to achieve. Even to me, it won't be easy, but it isn't impossible! Definitely it will be very challenging, but I'm going to give it my 200%. It will be the biggest challenge and highest goal I have set for myself to date πŸ˜†!
And honestly I'm feeling very excited and charged by this new goal. I have a few plans in mind and a few of my friends told me they will help me to achieve my goal. Haha. They are definitely in a position to help me to reach my goal quickly as they have a lot of good contacts and also they are on the lookout to buy valuable properties. Aside from them, I also have new pool of rich clientele so that will increase my chances of hitting my set goal πŸ˜†πŸ˜†!
Bottomline is I will give it my all!! Wis me luck! Haha. Enjoy the article.
p.s. The adrenalin rush of chasing big deals and big goals are as good as having great sex. The success in closing a mega deal with a 9 digit value is an aphrodisiac for me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Criteria for Mr Right

I don't like to admit it, but I have to. My past experienced with Peter has caused me to doubt men. It changed my views on the type of men I want as a partner. My criteria are different now compared to before. Now I want a man who is trustworthy, keep his words/promises and not a hypocrite. If a man doesn't meet all the 3 criteria, I will not keep him in my life. I don't want to deal with the same shit and dramas that Peter put me thru. He had shown me enough hypocrisy and narcissism to last me a lifetime so I'm staying away from men who want to inject those into my life again. 
I also want a man who doesn't play mind games with me and doesn't play with my heart. Don't lead me on. Always speak the truth. Don't ghost out on me. I can accept and handle the fact that if a man tells me I'm not his cup of tea and we can be friend only or we can't be friend at all. I just want a man who has some basic manners and courtesy. And also has a pair of mental balls, meaning be a real man and not a coward! Physical balls are not enough anymore. I just want a man who isn't an asshole and a douchebag like Peter who puts me thru emotional roller-coaster and who didn't grow a pair of mental balls to admit his wrongdoings. 
Hence now, I will not trust words, but instead I will base it on consistent actions. And I will not accept bread crumb attention from a man. I will give maximum 2 chances for him to redeem himself and if he failed then I will delete him our of my life without looking back. I'm not going to keep cutting him slack and give him plenty of chances liked what I did in the past with Peter. Looking back Peter took the full advantage of me and I won't allow it to happen again irregardless how much potential the man has to become my Mr Right.
Lastly, I want a man who doesn't avoids answering my questions no matter how difficult my questions are. I also want a man to accept me for me and not change me to suit his ideal woman. I won't change for anyone except for myself. But most important of all, I want a man that is a total opposite of Peter Wittendorp!!!
I will not hesitate to delete anyone from my life especially men if they don't meet my criteria. I won't put up with bullshit anymore. A man's character is define by his actions, not his words! And a man success is not measure by his wealth, but by his integrity!
Integrity  can never be bought. And never expect it from a person who is a hypocrite. Always remember that!!
I choose to stay single until I meet a man who meets all my 3 criteria. I won't fall for his sweet words and promises so easily. His actions will be my yardstick for measurement! No relationship and no man are worth losing my mind over. If I meet someone great. If not, no big deal too. I don't need to be in a relationship to have sex. I don't want marriage and kids, so it is even more important for me to take my time to find my Mr Right.  I want someone who can share my colourful and crazy life journey with πŸ€“!

Sunday, August 21, 2016


On Friday, 19.8.16, I wrote to my Country Head and informed her of my decision to resign. I   will tender my official resignation letter on Monday, 22.8.16. I really don't enjoy working in a rigid corporate structure. And I won't be able to make as much money compare to if I'm working by myself. I have set a giant goal for myself - RM10mil commission in 2 years and I don't have time to waste if I want to achieve this giant goal. Beside, why should I build a new market and pass all my clients database to a company that doesn't provide a good reward system. Also, I don't plan to climb the corporate ladder. Corporate is just too stuffy for me. I feel like I'm in a cage. I'm a bird who can't be caged. I want to fly and soar as high as I can. 
And if I have to create a blue ocean, I should do it to for my own maximum benefits and no one else. I really want to challenge myself and see how far I can go and how much more I can achieve in my career this time around. I don't want to do the regular leasing deals anymore. I want to carve out a niche and I have the whole plan in my head already. 
So is time for me to bid corporate goodbye and free myself from the cage that I put myself in for the last 8-9 months. My Country Head said she will discuss with me next week on when will be my last day and also the outstanding cases and commission payout.
Anyway, looking forward to the new challenges. Have to regain my financial freedom in the shortest time as I have a a few big tickets commitment that I need to take care on a monthly basis. Burning a big hole in my bank account so need to replenish it back asap!
Wish me luck πŸ˜„

Monday, August 15, 2016

Be Still

I think the hardest thing for me to do is BE STILL! I'm not referring to the physical stillness, but more like mental stillness where I don't need to react to everything and feel the need to initiate the first move especially when it is personally related. I need to learn to accept the face that no answer or action is already an answer and action in itself. It is pointless to chase after no answer or action. Because by doing that I'm forcing an answer or action that isn't being given willingly. I used to think that by getting the answer I'm getting the truth out, but after my experienced with Peter I know that it wasn't necessary the truth. It could just be a random answer to stop me from asking further questions. In other word, to shut me up!
So now I need to learn not to chase for answer, unless it is business or work related. Personal life, no answers or action is AN ANSWER! Hard for a Leo like me to be mentally still, but I really have to learn. It might yield me benefits that I missed out previously. So I'm going to train my mind to BE STILL and just let the truth unfold itself.
Is going to be 1 of the most toughest mental challenge to myself. I hope I can succeed.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

New & more posts on

For those who are reading and following my blog, I have another blog where I posted more updated news. Check it out at

Blogger website is not user friendly and too many restrictions. Wordpress is a better platform for blogger. Personal view. Slowly I will cease writing on but just focus on

For those who wants to follow me you can still do so as

Cheers from Bali πŸ˜€

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Moving forward, I have decided that I will be even more outspoken and blunt than I was previously. I can truly feel how liberating it is to speak my mind and do as my heart desires. I think I'm becoming more brazen with my words, thoughts and actions. I can see and feel things much more clearly than before. No cloudiness or uncertainties. I could see the clarity in every situation and I'm aligning myself to get to where I want to be and what I want to achieve out of life, both professionally and personally. And 1 of the biggest goal for me is to be even more truer to myself. Meaning, I will not omit a single part of myself just to make people like me. I will not try to change myself to please anymore. I will only change myself to please myself!

I will not put up with bullshit and I will just get to the point. I will ask pointed questions bluntly and if the answers aren't satisfactory I will ask until I get the truth out. I will still give benefit of the doubts, but I will not trust easily. I will not mince my words like I used to do with Peter because I wanted him to stay in my life. It won't happen again. If people are unable to accept me for me, then they can just stay away from my life. I know not a lot of people can accept the unfiltered me because a lot of my good friends (both male and female) had told me that numerous time. Haha. Sometimes I wished I was borne a man because the way I think, behave and act are very similar to men than women.

In fact sometimes they teased me and said I'm more a man than an actual man minus the dick. They always said I'm more daring and have mental balls that some men are lacking. Hence I always like to joke that although I don't have physical balls, I have mental balls. And men have mental balls, but might lack of mental balls. I know a few men who really don't have mental balls when compare to men 😝😝. NC (the guy drawn to me) told me that he rarely met a woman who is as confident in herself as me. And he finds that very attractive and intriguing.

I'm just too ballsy, not sometime only, but most of the time. I used to have some small concern that if I don't tone down myself a bit I might scare men away and might lose the chance to meet my Mr.Right. But now I don't think that way anymore because I finally realised that if a man wants to be with me, he will find all my qualities, both bad and good acceptable and attractive. If a man wants to change me to fit into the image he has formed of me in his mind, he can kiss my ass and stay away from my life.

1 big lesson I learnt from my relationship with Peter  is never ever compromise my true self to please and keep a man because at the end of the day it isn't worth it. At this point in life, I'm happy being single. If a man is going to give me more headaches by being in my life, than I rather he isn't in my life at all. Is just not worth the stress to have a man in my life if he can't add to my happiness quota. I want to be with a man who can be his true self with me and we can add to each other happiness quota. I have decided that I just want to be happy and live life on my own terms and conditions.

I don't know what happened to me since July, but everyday since then I could see things so much more clearer and the more clarity I have, the more I love my unfiltered life. NC told me it is even rarer to meet a woman who is so comfortable in her own skin and being her true self and he found it in me.  Frankly, he wasn't the 1st person to tell me that. I had many people told me the same thing as he told me.

I think I can safely say I have reached another level mentally and emotionally. Finally I'm fully embracing and enjoying myself 100% without holding back anymore. It was quite a tough ride before I reached this level. No regrets so far. And because I went thru so much road blocks and tests to become who I'm today, I will fully enjoy myself without any censorship. I don't expect everyone to enjoy and accept me, and that's ok. What's important is I enjoy and accept myself wholeheartedly. That's all that matter and the most important key to living a happy life.

Always, always be true and honest to self!!

Ending this post with a link for an interesting article Honesty and Acceptance Starts With Self

Sex = Good WorkoutπŸ™ˆπŸ˜πŸ˜‚

I begin to see the benefits of having sex regularly. Hahaha. It is a great workout for the muscles, especially the butt (gluts) and legs areas. The core too if the sex is intensive and explosive. Hahaha. Seriously, I think people who engage in sex more often are happier and healthier. And I think our physique will be more toned and we will look more radiant. But I personally feel to enjoy the benefits, we must enjoy sex and there must be a reasonable duration of foreplay. If it is just straight to sex without foreplay, I don't think we will be able to yield much benefits. 
Foreplay to me is important because it is a teaser of what to come next and to heighten the anticipation. Without foreplay, I think it will be hard for women to reach orgasm. Even with foreplay, there is still no guarantee women will reach orgasm if the men aren't equip with the right oral skills and and fingers techniques. Hahaha. So men out there, please sharpen your skills 😜!
So if a women wants to have a good workout without going to the gym to sweat it out using the cold gym equipments, have more regular sex with at least 30mins of foreplay. Otherwise I think sex is not fun and it won't yield any health benefits. Hahaha
Disclaimer: Above are just my personal views πŸ˜πŸ˜†! 

August babies

Crazy. This week alone I have 4 friends whose birthday was on 8th, 9th, 10th & another one upcoming on 14th. Mine is also coming up in 2 days time. Very rarely in 1 week I have to say so many birthday wishes and on back to back basis. But it was a happy week as is always nice to have friends who share the same birthday month with me. We are Leos and the all of us flock together. And we will also try to get together for dinner and drinks if all of us are available on the same date. So far, have 2 dinners line up. Looking forward to catching up with them.

Last this I celebrated my birthday at Ibiza with my best friend Nora. It was a blast and I love Ibiza. This year I'm still celebrating, but not in Europe. Will be celebrating with another girl friend, Valentina, whom I met a few years ago while traveling solo to Samui. She was alone too. I think we have been friends for almost 5 years now. She's very pretty and cool woman. Younger than me, but we share similar outlook on life, relationship and also enjoy the finer things in life. Haha.

She's an Italian, but lived in NYC and got her green card 2 years ago if my memory didn't failed me. She usually come to Asia to spend her summer vacation and this year we planned in advance to catch up in Asia so I'm going to see her tomorrow. So looking forward to some chill and relax time.

Oh ya.....I had an interesting night on 9.8.16. Will write about it in another post.

Anyway, just want to shout out HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the August Babies and to ALL the AWESOME and UNIQUE LEO people out there! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

Monday, August 8, 2016

10 Reasons You Should Definitely Fall Head Over Heels For A Sassy Girl

I strongly believe I fit the Sassy Girl descriptions to a T. Haha. Have fun reading.

Article by Marisa Donelly For

1. She’s headstrong.

A sassy girl knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to get after it. She will voice her opinions, she’ll speak what’s on her mind, and she’ll be very determined when pursuing her goals and pursuing you. Not only will she push you, but she’ll push through whatever’s thrown her way, and having that type of person by your side is invaluable.

2. She’s playful.

She’s good in an argument, she’ll keep you on your toes, and more than likely, she’s good at sarcasm. A sassy girl has no problem teasing you, bugging you, or letting you know that you’re driving her crazy. The playfulness of her personality mixed with yours will give you a relationship that’s filled with spark and fun.

3. She won’t let people mess with either of you.

She’s sassy towards you, but don’t worry, that sass carries over to the rest of the world. If either of you aren’t being treated right, she won’t stand for it. She’ll go to battle for you just because she loves you and won’t stand to see you treated any less than you deserve.

4. She actually has a personality.

A sassy girl isn’t dull or stiff. She’s dynamic. She has feelings, opinions perspectives and she isn’t afraid to share them with the world. She isn’t the type of girl to sit back and let you do all the talking. Sure, sometimes she can be a little too much, but too much is better than the girlfriend who just stands next to you, dull and boring. A sassy girl has a personality and isn’t afraid to be herself.

5. She’ll definitely keep things interesting.

This type of girlfriend is like a firework—beautiful, loud, and bright. You never know what she’ll be sassy about, or when, but her big personality will definitely make for arguments (which inevitably make the two of you stronger), for laughter, and for amazing memories.

6. She will make you a better man.

She will challenge your perspectives, especially when they don’t align with hers. She will argue with you, and make you see things in different ways. She will teach you the power of balancing two personalities to make a relationship work. And she will let you know when you’re not treating her right, not taking things seriously, or not putting forth your best effort. She’ll make you a better man just by her sass and letting you know how things really are, rather than skirting around the truth.

7. She gets sh*t done.

A sassy girlfriend is a productive girlfriend. Rest assured that this little lady won’t be mooching off of you, or sitting around lazy and couch-potatoey in your apartment. A sassy girl is a go-getter. She is always moving, always improving, and always using her sassy energy to accomplish what she needs to.

8. She can handle emotional moments decently well.

Even though she has some sass around the edges, this girl still feels. Sass is her best defense mechanism for when things go wrong, which can be very effective dealing with snobby coworkers, rude friends, or even pushy family members. Just know that no matter who you encounter, your sassy girlfriend will be able to handle them in a way that’s kind, yet direct. She won’t crumble to pieces. Sure, she might get upset, but she’s still able to stand tall (and never lose her sass, of course).

9. She’s respected by men and women alike.

Because she’s sassy, people respect her. They know she means business and that she’s true to her word. Her sass makes women see her as a powerful and empowered. And men see her as headstrong, loyal and direct. She’ll be respected for the way she carries herself, for how she treats you, and for how she lives life confidently. Having a girlfriend with that kind of reputation is a good thing.

10. She’s not like any other girl.

A sassy girl is one of a kind. Her personality and being is complex. She handles situations differently, and she treats you with a perfect mix of sauciness and gentleness. She’s going to push against you, but she will always, always push against the world for you. She’ll love you with her entire bold and sparky self and loving her will truly make for a one-of-a-kind relationship that you’ll never want to lose. 

Loneliness Exists in All of US!!

So true. Singlehood is not the same as loneliness. I often hear ppl say things like "why is he/she still single? When they get old, aren't they afraid of being lonely?"  
My take is: "You can be married with 10 kids and still feel very lonely. You can be living in the biggest most populated city and still feel lonely. Conversely, someone living alone may not necessarily feel lonely because they have people in their lives they care about and causes in their lives that they believe in and work hard for. They are single but they live very fulfilled lives."  
To me, it is perfectly alright for someone to be single, but nobody should ever feel lonely. The former is a physical state, the latter a mental state πŸ˜Š. - Quote from a friend, Jeffery
When I was in my early 20s', I thought being single means loneliness. I thought these two go hand in hand. I didn't know the differences between single and loneliness until I was in my 30s'. And the differences became more profound when I was involved with Peter. We Shared a lot of mental and emotional connection. Even physically, we had a lot of laughter when we were together even though our time were short.
Before he stepped back into my life, I lived a fabulous single life that were filled with adventures and experienced. I travelled around the world, fulfilled my dreams and checked of items on my bucket lists and I was very proud of myself. Although I did wished that I have someone I love to travel with me, especially when I went to romantic places, but those thought never lasted long. I always managed to enjoy my own company and made new friends along the way. So I was happy and satisfied. Not perfect, but definitely not feeling the loneliness.
But after Peter stepped back into my life, I was longing for him to be with me and kept looking forward to spending quality time with him. I developed an attachment towards him. I needed to talk to him daily to feel happy. He was like a drug to me and I was an addict that needed my daily fix! The 1st wave of loneliness happened in April 2014 when he broke his promised to me for the 1st time. It hit me so bad that I was crying for 1 whole week and I needed all my close friends to pull me out from the hole. I was stuck in a quicksand and I was sinking on a daily basis. I never felt so lonely since I was a young kid and the feeling scared me. I couldn't reached out to Peter to rescue me. I didn't want to scare him. I didn't even tell him about this incident at all. My friends were worried about me as they never seen me in such an unhappy state of mind before. And I cried non stop. I knew in my heart he was still in my life, but knowing wasn't enough. Suddenly my life looked so empty and I was very vulnerable. I really didn't know how to deal with the feeling of loneliness. Thank god for my circle of good friends who were there for me when I needed it the most. They reminded me of all I have in my life and how far I have made it on my own. And slowly I regained back myself and got rid of the loneliness.
Peter was my achilles heel. And in the 27 months he was in my life, everytime he put me through emotional roller coaster rides, I had to go away to catch my breath and reminded myself again and again that I would be ok without him in my life. Mentally he was there for me, but physically he wasn't. Emotionally he was there 80% only so it wasn't enough. He just evoked the feeling of loneliness in me and there were a few times I told him how I felt and he said he understood very well. I had him in my life, but I felt the loneliness more profoundly than when he wasn't in my life at all. Weird right? Maybe it was a lesson I needed to learn hence I felt it so profoundly.
I feel that all of us are unable to escape loneliness in our life journey. It will bound to happen irregardless if we are single or taken or have a loving family and a group of good friends. We are all human with emotions and feeling lonely will always be 1 of those multitude of feelings we have to experience in life like it or not. No one can stay happy 365 days for the entire journey of our life. Is ok to feel loneliness as long as we don't live there. We just need to acknowledge the feeling, find out the root cause, address the issue, learn and move on. 
Loneliness is just a feeling. It will past. And always remember, the couple who look happy together might not be truly happy. It could be just an act to show the world. Everyone wears a mask. Not many people dare to show their true self to the world. I'm the exception! So now that I'm back to my old self, I'm not feeling lonely anymore. I feel alone, but not lonely. Don't confuse feeling alone and feeling lonely. Alone doesn't equate to loneliness. Alone simply means I'm single and I enjoy my own company.
And being with someone doesn't guarantee you are in love and won't feel lonely. In fact, nothing is worst than being with the person you love and yet still feel the loneliness. I know of many people who are currently in this situation. Taken, but not in love and definitely feeling the loneliness. But yet didn't have the courage to get out. Giving excuses why staying is better than leaving. 
I will do my best to avoid the feeling of loneliness. If I ever be in a relationship and the loneliness feeling creeps in, then I know it is the sign for me to leave the man I'm with. I shouldn't feel lonely if I'm with the right man. I should feel complete and fulfill. Loneliness has no place in a relationship if I'm with the right person. This is how I will know if I'm with the right guy and in the right relationship.
Because of Peter, I know clearly what I want and don't want from a man and in a relationship. If the man I'm with could love another woman and cheated on me with her, it just means he doesn't loves me as much as he says. It means his love for me has diminished and although I will forgive him for cheating, but I won't stay in the relationship anymore. The moment he falls in love with the other woman, it means his love for me isn't the same as when he first fell in love with me. I will not be able to tolerate half baked love. I thought I could, but after Peter I know clearly I couldn't.
I just won't put up with tainted love even though he might still loves me and I might still love him. I don't want to be those foolish women that trick myself into believing that my man is remorseful and will not think of the other woman anymore. If he truly loved the other woman before, he will still continue to harbour good feelings for her. I know this for a fact because my male friends told me. And I believed them because they are my close friends. I have 1st row seat insight to a man's thinking. Hate or Love the other woman, she will always be in his mind. An undeniable fact according to my male friends. Haha. Sad but true!
Anyway, women are very good at bullshitting ourselves and create all excuses why we should stay and not leave a man and a marriage. Just ask yourself, if he truly loves and respects you, he wouldn't had fell in love with another woman!! Whatever reason he gave you are just bullshit! Men are darn good at story telling and excuses! And we women are good at sucking up to those stories and excuses. Hahaha. 
Oh well......loneliness is a just a feeling. It isn't a permanent if we don't allow it to be permanent. And always remember, being in a relationship doesn't prevents you from feeling lonely. And the moment you feel that, please evaluate your relationship. 
Being with the right man in the right relationship will not leave you feeling lonely. Once awhile is ok. But if it is a regular occurrence, then something is missing in the relationship and it might be time to leave. Listen to your gut feelings. Never ignore the red flags. A temporary happiness isn't true happiness. Be with a man who never let you feel lonely when he is with you. Always remember that!!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Drawn To Me 😍😍

A friend just told me that I piqued his interest since he 1st met me 7 months ago. And not only that, he is drawn to me because of my personality. He finds my confident very attractive. He said is a different kind of confident that I exude compare to other women. Will ask him in what way my confident is different from others! Oh he also finds me good looking and have nice long legs. Especially when I wear skinny jeans. Haha.

And he confessed that he actually stalked (his own word) my FB page after he saw me the 1st time. Honestly, if he isn't a friend I would be worried by now. Haha. Truthfully, I'm flattered by the compliments. Never crossed my mind that he is drawn to me although we enjoyed some fun conversations, but we always keep our distance. Beside he is cool like a cucumber and he never displayed his attraction towards me in the past. If he didn't confessed tonight I wouldn't have guessed it.

I have to admit that yesterday night he showed me a side of him that's colourful, funny and witty too. Semantically compatible which really aroused my interest and makes me want to get to know him further  πŸ˜. Not many men are able to banter back and forth with me for hours and made me laughed non-stop. The bantering has to be witty, flirty and innocent at the same time. And the ability to switch topics will also score points with me.

I thought after Peter, it will be hard for me to meet another man who can match my wittiness as well as have interesting conversation with me for hours. But last night just showed me that there are other men out there who are interesting and colourful in their own ways if I give myself a chance to find out and let them show me. Btw, he is British. Tall, slim and nice looking too. I call him old man although he is actually a few years younger than me. Hahaha, Just to tease him because on week nights he goes to sleep early. LOL.

When he told me he was drawn to me, it reminded me of the same word Peter used to say to me in the past when he tried to explain to me why he couldn't stay away to me or why he needed to stay away from me - Too drawn to me. I never know I have such a magnetic power. Hahaha. I think probably the main reason people are drawn to me is because I'm always consistently be MYSELF. I don't hide who I'm and I'm not worry about being judge. Nor do I judge. I simply don't like to be judgemental and I really dislike people who are judgmental.

Anyway, another good trait about him is when I asked him question, he didn't avoid answering. So that's a good start. This weekend should be an interesting weekend if I decide to accept his invitation to hangout. Haha.

Should I or shouldn't I? I told him let's see if he can pique my interests again in him tomorrow. Hahahaha.....I seriously enjoy teasing him. And is nice to know that someone is drawn to me. Everyone who knows me know the type of person I'm and I know a lot of people. And not once I was told I'm not being myself or they don't know me at all. Except for Peter. Towards the end he said he felt like he didn't know me anymore......hurt and sad when I heard that statement, but not anymore.

I know who I am and people who know me know who I'm and if Peter want to think otherwise, is his right. And I won't try to change his views. Let it be.

Anyway, I think I will most likely allocate some time to hangout with my friend to get to know him better. Not looking for anything serious at this moment. Instead just enjoying the ride and the flow. Shall update when I have morenews to share.

Goodnite for now.....😴😴😴

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jobless soon

Will be jobless soon. My heart isn't in the company anymore. No matter how hard I have tried to fit in, I just couldn't. And I'm not going to force myself to fit in anymore. I'm like a bird.....I don't like to be caged. I like to have the freedom to chase after my goals and dream without having to worry about meeting anyone's expectation. For me, I want to explore a few different directions and create my own blue ocean. I like to branch out and keep modifying my business ideas. Not only I want to build sustainable business, but I want to fulfil a vision and a dream. I don't need to make a lot of money, but I do want to build one of the best boutique company in the industry. And I can't do that where I'm currently. 
I need to leave and go after my own dream and goals again. I don't believe in magic because believing in magic means believing in illusion. I prefer to believe in reality. Anyway, have to wait until my Country Head to return from her holiday to tender my resignation letter. Then probably another 1-2 months before I can leave. Guessing, not sure as she might asks me to leave early. Which I don't mind to be honest. 
Will see......